Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hissing Toilets and How to Fix Them

A hissing toilet is not only a problem because it makes a really annoying noise at night when you're trying to go to sleep, annoying as this is, but it is also a problem because it is leaking up to 50 gallons of water a day. The good news is that the reasons for it hissing are normally quite simple to understand and for you to fix. It is a good idea, therefore, to understand the basics of how a toilet works so that you know how the different pieces successfully work together.
Toilets are a wonderful invention, making our homes safe and healthy, and with modern plumbing and the latest technology, they don't tend to break down. It is optimal to have a check up system ready so that you can see an issue while it is still tiny rather than waiting for the toilet to need a replacement or pay for overpriced repairs. This will be a positive attribute, as I have discovered that a broken toilet usually happens at the most inconvenient times, such as my manager or pastor eating dinner at my house. Racing around with a plunger and smelling a little unpleasant doesn't create such a good impression.
So let's have a look at the toilet. You'll find that it is a relatively simple mechanism. There are, of course, all sorts of different designs, so when I say take the lid off the tank, you may have a tank that is separate from the bowl, or a tank that is appears to be a single unit with the bowl, or you may have a tank located within some sort of cabinet. Again, it is best to be prepared, and know how to take the lid off the toilet before there is an emergency, as it will be bound to be a harder task if you are in the middle of a panic.
Have a look inside the tank, and if you have an old-fashioned toilet, you'll notice that there may be over 13 liters of water in your tank. It is shocking to learn that modern toilets function with only six liters and double flush toilets utilize between three and six liters of water. You may be using a lot more water than you need and it could be worth your while to investigate alternative options.
Inside the tank, depending on the type of mechanism you own, there will be a fill valve which controls the flow of water into the toilet. It is connected to the water supply through the bottom of the tank. The discharge of tank water is controlled by the flush valve and the flapper, which is also called the stopper or tank ball, and is attached to the overflow pipe and sits over the top of the drain. When the button on top of the unit is pushed, the lever raises the flapper and permits the flow of water to the bowl.
If this is all working well, that's great news. However, if you a hissing sound, it may be that your water level is too high in which case you can fix it using the adjustment clip on the ballcock link or the cup mechanism. If the water is streaming down the refill pipe into the flood pipe, you should check the fill stopper, or reorganize the ballcock.
If you fail, then check the ballcock is not broken. If not, then clean the build up under the fill valve seal.
Scott Rodgers is a plumber with many years of experience in solving bathroom plumbing problems. For more information visit http://www.eLocalPlumbers.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2381403

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